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Apr 23, 2010

Pictaculous: color palette generator

Pictaculous is a great new tool developed by MailChimp that allows you to generate a color palette based on any image you upload. The service will not only come up with a color scheme, but it will also suggest similar color themes available from Adobe Kuler and ColourLovers (a couple of other handy color palette generators) AND create an Adobe Swatch file for you. Alternatively, you can e-mail the image to colors [at] mailchimp.com and get these same results sent back.

Below you can see an example of an image I uploaded. The hex colors for the generated palette are given as well as the suggestions from the other sites and the file to download for Photoshop.

What makes Pictaculous different from other online color scheme generators is the fact that you can e-mail the photo to them and obtain the results back in the same format, making it perfect for sending an image taken with a mobile device. Not sure how useful that really is, but it's definitely neat!
5 Veiko.com: Pictaculous: color palette generator Pictaculous is a great new tool developed by MailChimp that allows you to generate a color palette based on any image you upload. The serv...

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